Friday, 27 April 2012

Summer Term Dates 2012


Monday 7 May Bank Holiday – school closed

Wednesday 9 May Class 1SW Assembly at 9.10am

Friday 11 May Class 4FP Assembly at 9.10am

Monday 14 – Friday 18 May Key Stage 2 (year 6) SATs

Friday 18 May Class 5SO Assembly at 9.10am

Tuesday 22 May Year 3 (all classes) French Assembly at 9.10am

Wednesday 23 May Class 1CO Assembly at 9.10am

Friday 25 May Class 4NH Assembly at 9.10am

Monday 28 May – Friday 1 June CREATIVITY WEEK

Wednesday 30 May Class 1MR Assembly at 9.10am

Friday 1 June Class 5SM Assembly at 9.10am

Friday 1 June Jubilee Celebrations pm

Monday 4 – Friday 8 June HALF TERM

Wednesday 13 June Class 2SH Assembly at 9.10am

Wednesday 20 June Class 2LH Assembly at 9.10am

Thursday 21 June Sports Day am – Classes RLF, RSL and morning Nursery

Thursday 21 June Sports Day pm – Class RML and afternoon Nursery

Friday 22 June Reserve Sports Day am – Classes RLF, RSL and morning Nursery

Friday 22 June Reserve Sports Day pm – Class RML and afternoon Nursery

Wednesday 27 June Class 2KB Assembly at 9.10am

Friday 29 June Class 4DE Assembly at 9.10am

Tuesday 3 July Years 5 & 6 Sports Day am

Tuesday 3 July Class RSL Assembly at 9.10am

Wednesday 4 July Years 3 & 4 Sports Day am

Wednesday 4 July Class RML Assembly at 9.10am

Thursday 5 July Years 1 & 2 Sports Day am

Friday 6 July Class 5OF Assembly at 9.10am

Saturday 7 July P.T.A. Summer Fun Day

Monday 9 July Reserve Sports Day – Years 5 & 6

Tuesday 10 July Reserve Sports Day – Years 3 & 4

Wednesday 11 July Class RLF Assembly at 9.10am

Thursday 12 July Class 2AK Assembly at 9.10am

Thursday 12 July Parents evening

Friday 13 July Reserve Sports Day – Years 1 & 2

Friday 13 July Class 6BD Assembly at 9.10am

Tuesday 17 July Years 5 & 6 Summer Production – morning and evening performances

Friday 20 July Class 6JS Assembly at 9.10am

Friday 20 July Last day of Summer Term for children

Monday 23 July Staff INSET – school closed for children


Tuesday 4 September Staff INSET – school closed for children

Wednesday 5 September School re-opens for children – First day of Autumn Term

Monday 29 Oct. – Friday 2 Nov. HALF TERM

Wednesday 19 December Last day of Autumn Term for children

Thursday 20 December Staff INSET – school closed for children

Friday 21 December Staff INSET – school closed for children

Tuesday 8 January 2013 School re-opens for children – First day of Spring Term

Monday 18 – Friday 22 February HALF TERM

Thursday 28 March Last day of Spring Term for children

Monday 15 April School re-opens for children – First day of Summer Term

Monday 6 May Bank Holiday – School closed

Monday 27 – Friday 31 May HALF TERM

Monday 3 June Staff INSET – school closed for children

Tuesday 4 June School re-opens for children

Wednesday 24 July Last day of Summer Term for children

Thursday 25 July Staff INSET – school closed for children

Thursday, 19 April 2012

Environment Club

Our environment club meets weekly and consists of approximately 10 children from KS2, led by Miss Milford.
Our aim is to learn about growing plants and caring for the local environment.
Recent projects have included erecting a bird house and table in the Science garden (the table was kindly made for us by the grandfather of Becky Cox in Year 6).
This enabled us to feed the birds around the school.
We have spent time weeding in the Nursery garden for the younger children to study plants as part of the curriculum.
An exciting and challenging project planned for the future is to plant a variety of flowers in the shape of the Union Jack to celebrate the Queen's forthcoming jubilee.
The pictures show a group of Year 4 pupils and our two Year 6 helpers weeding the nursery area.

Friday, 30 March 2012

Urdu celebration day

On Tuesday 13th March we all enjoyed a fantastic Urdu Celebration Day.

We started the day with assemblies for Years 1, 2 and 3.
The rest of the school enjoyed some dance performances, fashion shows and we all learnt about some important traditions. A big thank you to all the adults and children who worked hard to make sure that everyone enjoyed the assembly and the Urdu Exhibition.

Friday, 23 March 2012


As you may be aware, some members of the NUT (National Union of Teachers) will be taking strike action on Wednesday 28th March - to continue the campaign to protect pensions.
Only 2 of our classes will be affected and will therefore be closed to children (the 2 classes to close are: Miss Lloyd's and Miss Free's only).
For all other children, the school and nursery will be open as usual.

Consideration of local residents / parking

We would like to remind you about consideration for the school's neighbours when collecting, dropping off or parking when you come into the school.
Neighbours are still experiencing problems with some parents who continue to park across driveways.
We would like to thank you in advance for your co-operation.

Thursday, 22 March 2012

Year 4 connects with the national archives.

This past week all of year 4 took part in a live video conference with experts from the national archives. We learnt about Henry VIII though the historical documents that they hold.

It was a great experience which allowed the children to connect with experts and see historical objects.

The picture of the rat was used to help explain the origins of the National Archives.

Tuesday, 6 March 2012

More Book week pictures

Book Week

Last week, Nightingale Primary school took part in our exciting annual Book Week.
We were visited by illustrator, Karin Littlewood and author Adam Croft, which we enjoyed very much.
Some of us were involved in drama activities too.
Every year group studied an author and made book jackets or bookmarks.
Our favourite day was World Book Day because we dressed up as our favourite book characters. The teachers certainly enjoyed the day too!

Olympic Week at Nightingale

In February, Nightingale enjoyed an exciting 'Olympic week.'
We learnt about a variety of sports which will be part of the London 2012 games.
We took part in a range of exciting activities including flag making and researching our favourite athlete.
The highlight of our week was when we were visited by Olympic sprinter Christain Malcolm. We all had a photo taken with him and we took part in a sponsored circuit activity.

Wednesday, 25 January 2012

Brass Quintet in Year 3 and 4

Today year 3 and 4 were treated to a performance by the teachers from the Redbridge music school. They performed as a brass quintet.

We learnt all about the different parts of the brass instruments.

Children who learn brass instruments where also on hand to play.

Tuesday, 17 January 2012


Last week we carried out our termly attendance assembly and were pleased to see so many children achieve their 100% attendance awards.
Congratulations to 4NH and 2LH who had the best attendance for the Autumn Term. They received the Attendance cups in assembly.
We hope to share the attendance award with another class next term!

Monday, 2 January 2012


We hope that you all had a good Christmas break. The staff at Nightingale wish you a happy 2012.
We certainly have an exciting year ahead!
The Spring term begins on WEDNESDAY 4TH JANUARY 2012 and we look forward to seeing you then.