We had our termly Attendance Award assembly on Tuesday 30th March. Many children (far too many to list here!) achieved attendance award stickers, either "100% attendance"* for the Spring term, or "Good attendance" stickers, if their attendance was over 95%. Well done to all those children, and thank you to parents who have made sure their children are in school regularly.
In Key Stage 2, the class with the best attendance was 5OF, with 3FP a close second. This reverses the situation of the Autumn term, when 3FP won and 5OF were second. Well done to those two classes, and a big "Come on!" to all the other classes- can any of you bet 5OF and 3FP?
In Key Stage 1, 2SH had the best attendance, well done to them.
Please continue to ensure your child is in school whenever they are physically fit enough to be, it is vital for their education. Thank you.
* 100% stickers given to all children who had no absences, and also children who had missed just 1 or 2 half days during the term.